Say goodbye to your hangover!

We’ve all woken up with a throbbing headache, upset stomach and a dry mouth that is crying for water! Yes…this is what a typical hangover feels like. You probably got carried away the night before, but the future you ends up suffering all the consequences and asking why? Why didn’t I tighten the reigns and have some more self-control? Well ladies and gentlemen, since we have all been in that exact same situation, I am writing this blog post in sympathy to all of you who may be lying in bed miserably. There are three steps I make sure I do to kick that hangover out the window.

The Cure

1. Firstly, we all know how important it is to drink water. The moment I open my eyes, I make sure to drink water, endless amounts of it. Alcohol is very dehydrating, therefore, you need to get back to hydration mode.

2. Before eating or drinking anything (aside from water) I make sure to have warm water with the juice of half of a lemon. I have written in a previous post how beneficial drinking warm lemon water in the morning is. They are packed with nutrients such as vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and fibre. These nutrients will help you with the process of recovering from the hangover.


3. Make yourself a delicious green smoothie, or any other smoothie packed with rich nutrients and goodness. I guarantee you it will make you feel much better. If you need some ideas for smoothie recipes, make sure to check out the recipes page.


We tend to incline towards carb based comfort foods to alleviate our hangover, but they don’t actually help our body recover. Make the effort to have nutrient packed meals that include vegetables and a healthy grain.

These few steps are simple but work wonders. Starting the day right makes the world of a difference and if you aren’t ready to make a huge dietary change, even these small changes will be very beneficial to your health.

Do you have any hangover cures up your sleeve?

With love, 


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